Donate funds for our ongoing mission.
We aspire for Kingston Common Futures to be a community-funded initiative, supported by donors large and small from our Kingston community as a vehicle for redistributing wealth towards local, regenerative, shared futures.
If you want to see this initiative grow, consider donating financial support.
Click the button above and you will be redirected to an online donation page set up by our fiscal sponsor – The Good Work Institute, a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization
You will receive an email receipt and thank you once you have completed your online donation.
Fiscal sponsorship Info:
Good Work Institute
EIN/Tax ID#: 47-3091614
To Donate by Check
Make a check payable to “Good Work Institute” with “Donation to Kingston Common Futures” in the memo line, and mail to:
Good Work Institute
ATTN: Fiscal Sponsorship Manager
65 St. James Street
Kingston, NY 12401

Donating space, materials, or skills!
If you want to see this initiative grow, consider donating financial support.
Click the button above and you will be redirected to an online donation page set up by our fiscal sponsor – The Good Work Institute, a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization
You will receive an email receipt and thank you once you have completed your online donation.
Fiscal sponsorship Info:
Good Work Institute
EIN/Tax ID#: 47-3091614
To Donate by Check
Make a check payable to “Good Work Institute” with “Donation to Kingston Common Futures” in the memo line, and mail to:
Good Work Institute
ATTN: Fiscal Sponsorship Manager
65 St. James Street
Kingston, NY 12401